Marko Mamula of X-Crafts details what he and the team have been up to since releasing their all new X-Crafts E-Jet series which comprise of the Embraer E170, E175, E190, and E195 aircraft for X-Plane that now includes over 150 new features, fixes, and improvements in a blog post and accompanying video.
The Embraer E-Jets family first flew in 2002 with the E170 and later in 2004 with the E190 and E195. The regional jets were designed and launched to compete with the short route market and aircraft like the ATR 42/72.
One of the new features for virtual pilots is ILS autotune. This allows the aircraft to automatically tune the landing ILS for the approach, switch from LNAV/VNAV to localiser and glide slope capture to ensure a lighter workload for pilots in a critical phase of flight, this is initiated by pressing the APP button when cleared for the approach. Although this feature is enabled by default, Marko mentions that this can be overridden and pilots can take control of this phase if they wish. Autotuned ILS frequencies are tuned 150nm from the airport or 50nm if the entire flight is less than 150nm total. This feature was implemented for those pilots getting to grips with flying Embraer aircraft who might be transitioning from Airbus or Boeing aircraft where this process is sometimes automatic.

Other improvements to the E-Jets include the ability to shoot the steep approaches into London City Airport which requires a steeper 3.5º approach into the airport to avoid high buildings in Canary Wharf. This system utilises the speed brakes on the wing to provide a more responsive and stable approach by deploying the speed brakes dynamically when on approach to maintain speed whilst increasing thrust if a possible go around should be required. The team have also improved autopilot lateral and vertical fine-tuning to minimise overshooting turns or bugged altitudes and auto throttle refinements in high winds and descents. The pilots in the cockpit are now animated with movements under g-forces on landing and reactions to pitch, roll and yaw.
To see the full changelog of the latest V1.1.0 E-Jets from X-Crafts, head over to the X-Crafts website where you can also join the open Beta team to help shape the future of the aircraft.
- FLCH is now limited to a minimum of +2° up in climb and -7° on descent.
- Fixed the Flight Director jumping up and down during turbulence.
- LOC and GS stay as active autopilot modes even after disconnecting the autopilot.
- Bank angle limit should automatically be engaged above FL270.
- Sequencing into a DISCON or VECTRS waypoint now correctly disables VNAV.
- Pressing AT when FLCH is active will now result in AT using throttle and FPA. Also Cancels VNAV.
- Many more approaches are now available in addition to X and Y designated approaches.
- Added function to clear waypoint constraints with DELETE.
- Fixed insert STAR waypoint adds ROUTE waypoint type.
- Fixed two-digit display of pages on FPLAN.
- The transponder mode or Radio frequencies will no longer be reset as part of the FMS Reset 2 minutes after landing.
- Fixed FMS not resetting after the second flight.
- PERF INIT page 2/3 CRZ ALT, TOG CG, and ZFW entry fields are now boxes and not “0”.
- Added Units (KG/LB) to PERF INIT 2.
- Trim now stops after 3 seconds of continuous change.
- Fine-tuned engine startup sequence for X-Plane 12 which should now better match the real aircraft.
- CG is not displayed in %MAC in the X-Plane 12 Weight & Balance menu.
- Stick shaker forces set correctly based on the AOM.
- The hydraulic system now reflects the real operations to the full X-Plane 12 capabilities.
- Speedbrakes lever no longer moves on landing when the speedbrakes are deployed automatically.
- Animated the APU EMERG red guard.
- The speed knob now allows setting the speed as low as 108kts
- Audio panel now defaults to VHF1, not MRK.
- Steering tiller now moves more gradually + Improved Manipulator Calibration.
- Taxi Side light no longer ON by default when loaded with engines running.
- Prevented the Fuel XFEED switch from loading on the LOW2 position
- Reverse Thrust Manipulators on the throttles disabled in the air.
- A flashing MSG annunciator added which is displayed whenever there is a message on the FMS scratchpad.
- Added TCAS OFF, and TCAS TEST indications to the PFD.
- On the approach, “RETD armed” is now displayed 100ft AGL before the RETD actually engages.
- Pitch Limit Indicator added to the PFD.
- Fixed the outflow valve indicator going nuts on the ECS synoptic page.
- Added new TCAS modes which are available in X-Plane 12
- The DEST on progress on the MFD should show the RUNWAY, not the destination airport.
- Revise use of airport ICAO to the runway identifier where needed.
- Fixed airport database cache in the wrong directory.
- The MAP mode now shows wind in polar coordinates, while PLAN shows wind in Cartesian coordinates.
- The MFD and PFD now use the updated transponder values in X-Plane 12.
- The FLT CTL page was showing the inner spoilers deployed in the air which was not correct.
- Fixed TCAS in X-Plane 12 not showing traffic on the map.
- The green indication of the speedbrake is now always visible
- EICAS declutter is now disabled also whenever autobrakes are set to anything else than OFF.
- Windshield & Windows glass transparency changed:
- Fixed double text on the main landing gear door.
- Rebuilt exterior sound routing.
- Environmental sounds now bleed into the cockpit/cabin.
- Rain and storms are now audible.