X-Crafts has released its largest and most ambitious update yet for its line of E-Jets on X-Plane 12. Version 1.1.0 is the result of many months of work that has made it the “best” E-Jet experience for any flight simulator currently available.
The new update features over 160 improvements and changes that bring the simulation of the E-Jets more closely to the real aircraft than before. The biggest new addition to come with the update is the all-new FMS Speed feature which will automate speed management throughout your flight. This will let you enjoy flying the aircraft and you can focus on other aspects of flying the passenger jet.

Another new automated feature is the new ILS autotune that correctly programmes the correct NAV frequency and transitions from LNAV/VNAV to the LOC/GS flight modes. Speaking of approaches, the new steep approach system is now fully implemented, allowing you to take on the challenging approach into London City Airport.
Away from the flight model itself, X-Crafts has added all-new ‘next-gen’ pop-up displays that allow you to move, resize, and lock in place each of them. You can see the PDF, ND and FMS in rich detail, with a persistent save state even when you close X-Plane. You can see the new pop-up displays in action below.
Below is a portion of the changelog that relates to the new editions found with the E-Jets Family from X-Crafts. For the full changelog, including all the fixes, you can check that out here. This is to say that this is a massive update from X-Crafts who continue to support and refine their line-up of E-Jets for the platform.
If you’re looking to pick up a copy of the E-Jets Family from X-Crafts on X-Plane 12, you can buy your copy from Aerosoft. There are several packages available with the cheapest starting from €67.45 (excluding taxes). It is available also from the X-Plane.org store and SIMMARKET.
If you want to experience a solid, but lesser E-Jets experience, you can get the free version from X-Crafts as a little taster. it should be clear that the free version is from their old edition and is missing many of the features from the paid experience above.
Version 1.1.0
- The FMS Speed feature automatically sets the correct speed for the autothrottle setting throughout the entire flight, based on the phase of the flight, the aircraft configuration, or speeds defined in the FMS or SID/STAR speed limits.
- The FMS Speed must always follow the Speed Schedules (CLIMB/CRUISE/DESCENT) defined on PERF INIT 3/3 page unless overwritten by any limits that would limit the speed to a lower value. The limiting values are:
- Speed Schedule (Based on PERF INIT 3/3) – Highest speeds
- Manual waypoint speed entry (Defined by user)
- 10000ft Speed Limit (“250 below 10000”. Defined on the CLIMB Page)
- Departure Speed Limit or GO Around Speed Limit (Limiting speeds around airports)
- Flaps Speed limit (Set by the max flaps speed limits)
- Takeoff or Approach Speeds – Lowest speeds
- For a full description of how FMS Speed works, please see the manual.
- The Autotune feature will automatically load the correct NAV frequency into the radios based on the approach selected in the FMS. This happens 30NM out of the airport.
- Automatic Switch to V/L implemented: When the approach has been armed by pressing APP and the preview mode has been enabled by pressing PREV, the autopilot will automatically switch from FMS as the source for the AP to V/L (VOR/Localizer) when the lateral deviation of the approach is less than 1 dot. This means that the pilot no longer has to manually tune in the ILS frequency or switch from FMS to the LOC source manually.
- STEEP APPROACH (Available on the E170 & E190)
- The steep approach system allows the aircraft to fly to London City airport or other airports that have approaches steeper than 3.5°. These approaches are thrilling and challenging!
- The steep approach system opens the speed brakes dynamically during the approach to increase drag and subsequently increase the throttle setting. This helps during a possible go-around.
- All screens now pop up as 2D pop-ups which can be popped out into a separate window.
- Click with the left mouse button to open.
- Click and drag with the left mouse button to move the screens around.
- Click with the right mouse button to close them. Many values on the screens can be directly changed by scrolling over them, like altitude, speed, HDG, etc.
- Typical ITT temperature drop-off during the startup sequence added also in X-Plane 12, as on the real aircraft.
- Added halo effect to the landing and taxi lights for XP12.1
- The pilots ARE NOW ALIVE! They are now animated, with constant movement. They will also shake in turbulence, move with G forces on landing or turn their heads based on the pitch, roll and yaw.
- TERM indicator added to the PFD when we enter the Terminal area which is 30NM radial distance from the destination airport. This will disappear when you switch from FMS to V/L.