Scenery developer Windsock Simulation continues to work on projects converting current Prepar3D airports over to the world of X-Plane 11. Announced a while back, Windsock Simulations are working with developer David Rosenfeld to bring Milan Malpensa to X-Plane 11. Windsock Simulations has also decided to share some new previews of the airport in its current form, along with some new minor details.
According to the developer, Malpensa Airport for X-Plane 11 is now equipped with the SAM gates and that all surrounding buildings and hangers have been placed into the simulator. However, work is still ongoing to make sure they are in the right position. Furthermore, the team confirmed that they are working with Matthias at maps2xplane to provide an Ortho4xp patch once the scenery has been released.
All the previews are still work in progress as they work towards releasing the product. You can follow Windsock Simulations on Facebook to stay up-to-date. In related news, Windsock Simulations announced they have partnered with Sim-Wings to convert an unspecified amount of airports to X-Plane 11.