Windsock Simulations Announces Partnership with Sim-Wings

Developer Windsock Simulations has just announced a new partnership with Sim-Wings. The developer, who specialises in porting Prepar3D and FSX products to X-Plane 11 has confirmed they will be working alongside Sim-Wings to handle multiple…

Windsock Simulations Announces Partnership with Sim-Wings

Developer Windsock Simulations has just announced a new partnership with Sim-Wings. The developer, who specialises in porting Prepar3D and FSX products to X-Plane 11 has confirmed they will be working alongside Sim-Wings to handle multiple ports.

As of right now, Windsock Simulations, nor Sim-Wings, have confirmed which airports they will be bringing across. Equally speaking, there is no time frame attached to any project right now.

The only piece of information shared is that any airports developed by Windsock Simulations for Sim-Wings will be published by Aerosoft.

We have reached out to Windsock Simulations to see if they are able to share any further details regarding the relationship or a hint at which products we can expect to be ported over from Sim-Wings’ library of P3D/FSX products. We shall update you if we hear anything.

In related news, Windsock Simulations continue to develop Cancun, alongside FSimStudios for X-Plane 11.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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