Whiskey Jet Simulations is a newcomer to the ESP development scene with their upcoming A220-300 add-on. Their aim is to is to bring low-cost, aesthetically pleasing but not overly complex aircraft to the community. On their Facebook page, they’ve posted a dev update and a video previewing their work-in-progress A220-300 for FSX. Prepar3D v4 compatibility has not been confirmed however, it will be looked into upon initial release.
As the months passed by, Whiskey Jet Simulations had fell prey into a developer’s worst nightmare of adding more and more detail than intended to the project as relevant information became accessible. This meaning, that they had failed to reach their initial release target of October 2018 found themselves with higher standards than planned and too many loose ends to tie up. In addition to this nightmare, a team member of theirs had begun work on an FMS but had to leave half way through development, leaving the project with an incomplete FMS to compound matters.
The post makes it sound like a release is imminent for early next year, notwithstanding, we can’t confirm that. From here on, the team will be working hard to salvage the FMS and its integration whilst working through the holidays, with much passion, to wrap up all remaining issues and move on into beta and alpha stages.
We will endeavor to keep you posted on the latest with respect to the development of the Whiskey Jet Simulations A220-300. Below, you’ll find some work-in-progress previews of the cockpit and a comely nighttime takeoff.