Yesterday we reported, and quite rightly so, of a brand new trailer released showing off some of the new features from the Black Box Simulation Airbus A330.
Whilst we didn’t feel the quality of the video showcased the aircraft in quite the detail the developer was hoping, it was still approved by Black Box Simulation (according to the original uploader).
Since then, it’s gained tonnes of views for people to see what had changed in their new version.
We have now been indirectly informed by BBS that this was a “rejected” version of their trailer.
At the time, it was made clear to us and the larger community that this had been formally approved.
Here’s the ‘official‘ statement:
Statement regarding the recent Unofficial Promo Video
BBS would like to make it clear that the recent “Promo video” was not intended for use as a news Item or in any way an official trailer for the Widebody V0.850 Product.
This Video was rejected by BBS Because of its poor quality and production.The Video does not represent the Product well in any way shape or form and the poor quality and content does nothing whatsoever to promote the New Widebody Product and the Many advances made in V0.85.
Permission was given to the author for use on his personal YouTube Channel out of courtesy as he had put in so much effort.
a new OFFICIAL BBS Promo will be released as soon as its finalized
The video has now been made private and unavailable to view.
We look forward to seeing if the “real” trailer is any different in quality.