Greetings and welcome to Developer Month 2019.
The world of flight simulation has continued to grow year on year. With brand new developers joining the scene, older developers adopting new technology and a huge influx in cross-platform development, this really is one of the most exciting times to be involved in flight simulation.
Of course, we wouldn’t be able to take simulation to the heights we do without the dedication, passion and enthusiasm of our amazing developers. The whole development community work towards a goal of creating rich and exciting content for simmers to enjoy. Sure, you may have your favourite developers out there, but that shouldn’t stop you from seeing what others do to contribute.
We want to celebrate that community and so, we’re pleased to introduce to you, for another year, Developer Month.
Developer Month is a unique opportunity for developers to step away from their PR-selves and give insight into them, their teams and their impression of where the community is heading. We want to know what motivates them on a daily basis, how they work in the environment they’re in and also what advice they would give to someone looking to embark on their own journey of development.
Between April 8th 2019 and May 8th 2019, we will share a variety of content with you. Considerable time has been taken in preparing on-site video interviews, blog posts written by developers themselves and written interviews. Developers from across the globe, big and small, have all taken part.
We’ll be posted each piece daily around 18:00z for the next 30 days. If you’re reading this on the day of publication, I can confirm that the first article will be from famed developer A2A Simulations!
You can stay up to date via our Developer Month 2019 hub.
[button type=”round” color=”#2074bc” target=”” link=””]Developer Month 2019 Hub[/button]
We hope you enjoy the content as much as we have had making it.
Huge thank you to our sponsors Thrustmaster, who without their support, none of this would’ve been possible.