Watch the FlyByWire Simulations A380X Livestream Right Now

Watch the special stream on the A380X live right now.

The FlyByWire Simulations A380X ‘Out the Hangar’ stream is happening now.

Kiwi, Andreas, BBK, Floridude, Gurgel, and Mav are all the stream giving insight into the development of the A380X.

In the stream, we are going to learn how development progressed, some feature insight and important information ahead of its release.

We are watching live and will update this post with any information that is newsworthy in this post. For now, feel free to watch along above and be sure to submit any questions you may have for the team.

A Re-Cap

  • On release day, you can access the A380 via the installer. This is maintained by volunteers, and will do their utmost best to avoid issues on release day, but the team asks you to have patience.
  • Over the past four years they have had various volunteers work in a number of roles on the tea.
  • Girgle then stepped up to the plate to discuss what it means to reach the end of ‘closed’ development. Girgle started on the team around 2 years ago and started working on simple tasks like the physics of the PTU. He also improved the bleed system and was eventually invited into their core team.
  • He then worked on the electrical system for the A380X, which was built from the ground-up.
  • Floridude then took part in the conversation, speaking about how he used to use FSX, took a break, and then came back to MSFS. Eventually stumbled upon FlyByWire in March 2023 and took an interest as he loved creating software. Started with smaller changes on the A32NX, and then spoke to the avionics team to then build the multi-function display interface. Again built from ground up.
  • He learned a lot about the aircraft during this time and was able to bring in experience from his main job into the development practices.
  • In the past few weeks, he has worked on autopilot aspects.
  • Andreas now joins the chat. He began talking about the original Asobo A320 in MSFS and how there was a cool project looking to modify the plane and quickly joined to implement custom fly-by-wire systems. This was the starting point.
  • It was quick to implement the autopilot and auto thrust system on the A32NX and explained how “cool” it was to meet so many talented people.
  • He is still working a lot on the autoland and flares with the A380X.
  • Whilst the A32NX was still in development, the team said they wanted to work on the A380, which took them by surprise.
  • The A380X works really well in VR, according to Andreas.
  • The modelling and texturing was worked extensively on to make it as true-to-life as possible.
  • FlyByWire Simulations confirmed that the A380X will be released on October 31st 2024 as an ‘open alpha’
  • It has been re-confirmed that there will be a 3D cabin.
  • A paint kit will be made available via an OBJ file and then create liveries via substance painter.
  • A PSD file will -hopefully- be released as soon as the plane releases.
  • If anyone wants to learn how to code, you can check out their GitHub with open issues to solve and anyone can contribute.
  • A SimBrief profile will launch upon release. Documentation will also be released alongside this.
  • BTV (brake to vacate) can operate with and without Navigraph.
  • The A380X supports all current VATSIM procedures and policies, works with vPilot. There is no CPDLC at the moment, but will come in the future.
  • Can support holds, diversions, autolands, and types of approaches.
  • FlyByWire Simulations has a QA team to ensure the plane meets their own internal high standards.
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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