Warsaw Airport by Drzewiecki Design Gets New Previews

Some new previews of the Polish airport.

Warsaw Airport by Drzewiecki Design Gets New Previews

Developer Drzewiecki Design has shared some brand-new previews for its upcoming Warsaw Chopin Airport (EPWA) for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

In the new previews shared on Instagram, the team highlights interior modelling, ground clutter, and plenty of interior modelling. It’s a mix of renders and in-sim screenshots but gives you an idea of what to expect once the airport comes out.

On Instagram, they also said that the airport is “turning base,” indicating that the final approach for the airport isn’t far off and we could be seeing a release sooner than later.

We will keep you posted.

More From:   Drzewiecki Design
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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