Virtavia has released another iconic World War II aircraft: the Handley Page Hampden. The medium bomber dates back all the way to 1936, and was used a lot during the early stages of the Second World War. The Hampden was able to be manned by a relatively small crew of only four, and could carry payloads of up to 4000 pounds. The aircraft had a relatively high speed and high manoeuvrability, making it a versatile bomber, although it was later outclassed by more advanced bombers.
Virtavia’s HP Hampden package includes both the B. Mk. 1 and TB. Mk. 1 version of the aircraft, the latter one being a torpedo bomber while the first one is a standard bomber. The package also includes a Wwise sound package, and working automatic controls and Lorentz instruments. The Hampden also features a number of animations and crew figures.
Virtavia’s HP Hampden is available for €18.75 from SimMarket.

- VR ready. Yoke latch-on enabled.
- Wwise sounds package with 3-stage engine sounds, canopy muting, switch clicks and other unique cockpit sounds
- very detailed cockpit with numerous animations and mousable controls, rain fx on glass
- working Automatic Controls (ALT/HDG hold only)
- working Lorentz Instrument (uses DME/NAV1 LOC)
- animated automatic leading edge slats (1 variant only)
- togglable realistic crew figures
- seperate animated front and rear canopies, animated ventral hatch and bomb bay doors
- animated cowl flaps with rotary handle control in cockpit
- authentic flight model with checklist
28-page illustrated User Operating Manual