Verticalsim Releases Plant City Municipal Airport for MSFS

Scenery developer Verticalsim has released Plant City Municipal Airport (KPCM) for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The small GA airport is located in Hillsborough County, Florida and sees plenty of GA activity for many pilots. The new scenery…

Verticalsim Releases Plant City Municipal Airport for MSFS

Scenery developer Verticalsim has released Plant City Municipal Airport (KPCM) for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The small GA airport is located in Hillsborough County, Florida and sees plenty of GA activity for many pilots.

The new scenery package developed by Verticalsim is the first time the developer has released on Microsoft Flight Simulator. The product features 4K texture work throughout with plenty of custom made objects such as a water tower, FBO and gas station – all representative of the real-world airport. Whilst this is the first of many products coming from Verticalsim, the team has said this will also receive free future updates as the team learn the simulator and as the SDK receives improvements.

You can buy Verticalsim’s Plant City Municipal Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator through the Verticalsim store for $5.49.


  • Iconic objects such as (water tower, FBO, etc. etc.)
  • 4k PBR buildings with HDR lights
  • 4k ground texture work that blends with surrounding areas
  • Proper AI taxiway pathing
  • Free future updates
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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