Ultimate 737MAX Announced

Threshold has released exclusive information and photos of the upcoming Zibo/Ultimate Boeing 737MAX 8. The Boeing 737MAX is the newest generation of the best selling commercial aircraft, the Boeing 737. The 737MAX first flew January…

Ultimate 737MAX Announced

Threshold has released exclusive information and photos of the upcoming Zibo/Ultimate Boeing 737MAX 8.

The Boeing 737MAX is the newest generation of the best selling commercial aircraft, the Boeing 737. The 737MAX first flew January 29th, 2016 and a year later entered service with Malindo Air. The Zibo mod is a modification to the default 737-800 within X-Plane 11 that basically turns it into a fully usable and functional 737. Now with the 737MAX 8. With that, you can expect the new CFM International LEAP-1B engines, the split tip winglets and of course the new cockpit displays.

Threshold has also included a small list of features along with their exclusive write up of this upcoming addon.

Primary Features:

  • Accurate Exterior Modeling: Winglets, Engines, APU, etc.
  • Custom Displays, Avionics, and Systems unique to the 737 MAX
  • 3D Cabin with Interactive Doors
  • Custom Textures and Beautiful PBR Implementation
  • Accurate 737 MAX Flight Model by Twkster
  • Based off of Zibo mod V3.30

If you wish to follow this development or read the original article, please head over to the Threshold website. There you can gain access to their forum and follow this creation in depth and give feedback.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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