High-quality sound package producer Turbine Sound Studios has released its second rendition of a sound package focusing on Pratt & Whitney’s PW4090 engines for Prepar3D.
The Pratt & Whitney 4000 series engines comprise a set of dual-spool, high-bypass turbofan engines. The series base model, the PW4000, originally designed to produce between 52’000 and 62’000 pounds of thrust, underwent its first test runs in 1984 and was first introduced in 1987 on several aircraft, including the Airbus A300/310 Series. The PW4090 belongs to a later iteration of PW4000 series engines specifically designed for the Boeing 777 Series and produces 90’000 pounds of thrust, only surpassed by the PW4098 series, which produces 100’000 pounds of thrust.
Sound package developer Turbine Sound Studios has released its second recreation of the PW4090 engine and the sounds that it produces for Prepar3D v4 & v5. The package includes a wide variety of accurate HD interior and exterior sounds created using a new set of recording and editing techniques that use matched engine pitch values. However, prospective buyers should remember that the package is specifically designed for the PMDG Boeing 777-200ER expansion package.
TSS rendition of the sounds produced by Pratt & Whitney’s PW4090 engine can now be bought via the Just Flight online store and will cost you $17.64 Ex. VAT., subject to regional taxes and exchange rate movements.
Feature List
- All new recordings
- All new editing methods with matched engine pitch values
- External engine sounds
- Internal engine sounds
- New layered wind sounds