TrueEarth US Washington Final Previews Before Release [X-Plane 11]

It’s now common knowledge that once Iain posts his final shots online that it means a release is not far for an Orbx product. After months of teasing and previews, Orbx’s latest TrueEarth package, Washington, will…

TrueEarth US Washington Final Previews Before Release [X-Plane 11]

It’s now common knowledge that once Iain posts his final shots online that it means a release is not far for an Orbx product. After months of teasing and previews, Orbx’s latest TrueEarth package, Washington, will soon be released (possibly in the next day or so).

On the Orbx forums, Iain has posted his final shots, giving more views of the stunning scenery to expect once it has been made available. From the huge amounts of forestry to the sprawling cities, each mile of the coverage area will be released in high resolution and detail.

The original announcement post can be found here, which gives you the full rundown of what to expect when it does eventually release.

TrueEarth US Washington will be made available via OrbxDirect for AUD $69.95 (approx. USD $49.70/ €44.25 / £38.20).In addition to the pack described above, there will be an additional HD Package made available, too.

The TrueEarth US Washington optional HD pack will be an additional $14.95 AUD (approx. USD $10.60/ €9.45 / £8.15)

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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