TropicalSim Kansas City Intl’ (KMCI) Released

Only a month after their release of St. Thomas 2018, TropicalSim have come out with an overhauled version of Kansas City Intl’ (KMCI) which brings it up to date with real-world changes at the airport…

TropicalSim Kansas City Intl’ (KMCI) Released

Only a month after their release of St. Thomas 2018, TropicalSim have come out with an overhauled version of Kansas City Intl’ (KMCI) which brings it up to date with real-world changes at the airport and introduces Prepar3D v4 compatibility.

The 2018 version of Kansas City Intl’ brings along the closure of Terminal A, operating airlines being spread out between Terminals B and C and new ground markings in the aircraft parking area of Terminal A and C.

Kansas City Intl’ 2018 is available on simMarket for €19.90 (Excl. VAT) – You can head over to the product page on simMarket to view the full range of screenshots. If you’ve purchased the previous version of Kansas City Intl’ on SimMarket, you’re entitled to an upgrade price of €9.00 (Excl. VAT).

Kansas City Intl’ 2018 is fully compatible with FSX/SE and Prepar3D v1 to v4.


  • Highly detailed Kansas City Intl’ / KMCI.
  • Full night illumination.
  • Full autogen and seamless blending with the default environment.
  • Dynamic Lighting in the Prepar3D v4 version.
  • Optional SODE animated jetways.
  • Optional 3D Lights.
  • Optional 3D Grass within airport islands and taxiways/runways.
  • P3D v2/v3/v4 native materials custom ground option.
  • Compatible with add-on AI traffic.
  • Compatible with other third-party sceneries.
  • FSX version compatible with default and add-on FSX scenery.
  • P3D version compatible with default and add-on P3D scenery.
  • Usage of FSX SDK for the FSX version for best performance.
  • Usage of Prepar3d SDK for the P3D version for best performance.
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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