Developer ToLiss has confirmed that their A319 and their A321 aircraft are now both compatible with the X-Plane 11 Vulkan API engine. Alongside that, the A319 has seen a significant improvement as part of the update including changes to the FMGS.
The A319 in particular saw a large number of changes including a complete rework of the flight path computation (in line with the A321) along with the addition of FIX pages, SECONDARY FLIGHT PLAN, and the addition of a standby compass and opening cockpit doors.
Both aircraft have seen improvements in the PFD colourisation, smoother autopilot functionality and also a rework of the EPR values for the IAE engines. Because both aircraft are now Vulkan compatible, they are also improved performance-wise.
Despite this update adding Vulkan compatibility, the update still functions with these updates for those using OpenGL still or have yet to update to X-Plane 11.50’s beta program.
The update can be installed via the ToLiss auto update tool found within the product.
You can read our review on the ToLiss A321 here.
A319 Changes
– Complete rework of the flight path computation backbone for more accurate computed path
– Addition of the FIX INFO page
– FMGS now supports temporary flight plans on ground, airways to airways intersection computation and lots more
– Addition of standby compass and opening cockpit door.
– Reorganization of the ISCS for more intuitive operation.
– Addition of ToteDeMacs Textures as baseline
A319 and A321 Changes
– Rework of PFD colours and Landing system symbology
– Added a warning, if experimental flight model is on, to ensure you switch it off and get the right performance
– Adapted aircraft to allow sounds and ground vehicles when using XP11.50 Vulkan including frame rate improvements
– Pause at T/D now stops one minute before reaching the T/D.
– Smoother FD and AP behaviour in managed descent.
– Sound balancing rework
– Performance rework at high altitude
– Rework of the EPR value computation for the IAE engines