Back in March, we shared some exclusive news regarding the upcoming PACX from TFDi Design. The all-new PACX (Passenger and Crew Experience) has been designed and built to give flight simmers the opportunity to simulate the responsibility any captain would feel when travelling with passengers and crew down the back. PACX will give you the opportunity to pass on messages to the passengers and interact with the cabin crew in a dynamic and engaging way.
We can now reveal that TFDi Design’s PACX will release on May 31st at 17:00 EST. This is within their original estimate of releasing it before June 1st 2019.
An example of how PACX works is that if you’re late to push back and depart, you may find your crew and passengers less friendly than usual – unless of course, you provide them with plenty of information along the way. Passengers and crew will react in real time to what’s going on and the situation you’re in. It will ensure that no two flights are the same. Furthermore, you will be able to issue any menu interaction with voice commands through the Public Address system. Both the crew and passengers will react accordingly.
When we spoke to Brandon Olivo from the TFDi Design team who provided some insight into just how detailed and creative the team have got with ensuring it all sounds as realistic as possible.
“The sounds play an important roll in PACX. As you go through your experience with PACX, you will notice your cabin crew isn’t just a robot. As would anyone, if your day isn’t going so well, it might project into your work! Our flight attendant doesn’t always have the best days, and it will be shown. Ask her for too many refills on your coffee during an already bad day, and she might not be too pleased! We aimed for variety when trying to capture the experience of doing more than just flying a cockpit around the whole time. Listening to the same announcements over and over again may become repetitive thus reducing the awe factor in your flight simulation experience. From notifying the cabin what flight number this is seamlessly, to advising on estimated flight time, PACX will surprise you with every flight!
With our initial release, our flight attendant will provide you 100+ hours of enjoyable/realistic flight time before you really get to learn who she is. Our intentions are to later release packs to introduce you to more flight crews from around the world, but for now, we can’t wait to show you what is to come!”
In terms of platforms, PACX will work with FSX, FSX:SE, P3Dv2-4 and also X-Plane 11. Whilst there are plans for it to work with any aircraft type, passenger interaction will be limited to commercial aviation at first, with things like corporate, military and general aviation to come in the future.
Once the product has been released, we will let you know and also the final cost of the product.
Head on over to the product page on TFDi Design’s website for further details.
(Please note that the video above is a very old version of the software)