TFDi Designs Announces RealLight for P3Dv4

The team behind the ever improving 717 has today announced a new technology: RealLight. RealLight is a new lighting technique to improve the night lighting of the virtual cockpit. The team first looked back at…

The team behind the ever improving 717 has today announced a new technology: RealLight.

RealLight is a new lighting technique to improve the night lighting of the virtual cockpit. The team first looked back at some of the feedback given regarding their 717 night lighting, and explained that it was designed and based on old blending methods. With this in mind, moving forward, the team will be focusing this on new technology for Prepar3D V4. This is thanks to the new dynamic lighting engine and also the fact there are no longer software-based memory constraints.

The results speak for themselves and you can see a comparison shot below.

P3Dv4 with RealLight

The team decided that instead of limiting this technique to just their 717, it will also be compatible with future products – and there are also talks on how they can license it out to third parties.

You can also watch the video that TFDi Designs produced.

You can get it now if you are a part of the 717 Community Opt-In Beta.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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