Supercritical Simulations Group Share New 748 Previews

Developer Supercritical Simulations Group has taken to Facebook to share some new previews of their upcoming 747-8 version 2 aircraft in X-Plane 11. The new version will contain all new features over their previous version…

Supercritical Simulations Group Share New 748 Previews

Developer Supercritical Simulations Group has taken to Facebook to share some new previews of their upcoming 747-8 version 2 aircraft in X-Plane 11.

The new version will contain all new features over their previous version including a brand new fuselage, new landing gear, improved flap mechanics and more. Previously, they said that “work is being done in the cockpit, cabin, and for its systems, autoflight and FMS”. The below images are from some of the improvements they’re making from within the cockpit.

You can read our previous story on the Supercritical Simulations Group Update on the 747-8 V2, which gives you the information you may need about the new aircraft from Supercritical Simulations Group.

Here’s the full changelog so far that the team have put together.

Feature List

  • New fuselage
  • Added fuselage animations and details (pretty much anything that can open/move on the aircraft Is modeled).
  • New cut windows instead of textures
  • New stabilizers with added details
  • New nacelles and engines
  • Reworked landing gear
  • Improved flaps
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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