Soarfly Concepts Biggin Hill Previews

Soarfly Concepts announced about a month ago that their Biggin Hill (EGKB) had entered beta. No other previews had been released until now showing off the small regional airport. Not much information has been released…

Soarfly Concepts Biggin Hill Previews

Soarfly Concepts announced about a month ago that their Biggin Hill (EGKB) had entered beta. No other previews had been released until now showing off the small regional airport. Not much information has been released yet regarding this scenery addon, but if you are familiar with Soarfly Concepts’ products, they have stated that “will have all the bells and whistles our regular Flagship scenery has but with the multi-material were all use to now and a few extra treats.” which by the sounds of it, sounds quite nice.

For those who do not know, Biggin Hill Airport (EGKB) is located 12 NM (22 km; 14 mi) south-southeast of Central London. The small airport used to be known as RAF Biggin Hill which a small part of the airfield still retains this designation. The airport first opened for the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) pilots during the First World War. Biggin Hill is also well known for its role during World War II when it was one of the main fighter bases protecting the South-Eastern part of England.

No more information regarding this scenery has been released or a price or even an estimated release date. But be sure to follow Soarfly Concepts on their Facebook Page for the latest in this development.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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