In April, it was reported that simMarket was having some challenges with the PayPal platform. At the time, it was expected that PayPal would no longer be used by simMarket due to on-going issues. However, we can confirm today that customers can still purchase their products with PayPal.
Speaking to CEO of simMarket, Miguel, it has been confirmed that “PayPal continues to be offered as a payment method” – only that vendors who use the site will not be able to be paid via the platform. Miguel reported to us that the problems have been “diligently solved.” Whilst they have been solved, simMarket want to ensure that funds are not blocked or held and want to make sure they had as much control as possible over their money to ensure everyone gets paid on time.
Vendors who may use simMarket as a platform to sell their goods have been given other options to receive payment, as previously reported. The details of the new options have been shared privately with vendors involved. simMarket are committed to ensuring that vendors receive their payments each month, without fail.
To re-iterate: simMarket will continue to accept PayPal payments from customers, however, vendors will receive their money through alternative platforms.
Thank you to Miguel from simMarket for clarifying the situation.