SimBitWorld Releases A Grand Tour

Creators of A Pilots Life release latest addon aimed at epic multi-stage journeys.

SimBitWorld, creators of the renowned A Pilot’s Life add-ons for all major flight simulators, has released their latest addon product – A Grand Tour.

The new external software product enables simmers to plan, fly, and share multi-stage touring routes within their chosen simulator. It aims to take virtual pilots outside of their most regularly flown “comfort” locations and into brand-new places with unique scenery and challenging routes.

The add-on is available now on SimMarket and Contrail for approximately €18.00 including local taxes (price may vary across vendors and currencies).

Upon installing A Grand Tour, the user can access a range of planning tools for creating tours, a logbook where any previously flown tours or individual legs of tours can be stored, an expanded section focussing on the currently flown leg of any given tour, and a statistics page. Users familiar with SimBitWorld’s A Pilots Life addon will feel right at home as the user interface is very similar to that featured in the developer’s other flagship product.

As well as creating and flying their own tours, customers will be able to share their tours with other simmers, and have the ability to fly and rank tours that are shared within the wider community. Statistics focussing on how popular the tours you choose to share within the community area are included so simmers can see exactly how popular their routes are relative to other creators.

The software also comes with an inbuilt flight tracker, which shows the user’s progress as they fly live within the sim along with some basic telemetry data such as speed and altitude.

Although the primary audience for an addon like this would typically be light aircraft and GA flyers, there are no restrictions on aircraft types being used, opening up the possibility for longer-range trans-continental or even global tours that utilise heavier jet aircraft cruising at higher levels.

You can watch the trailer for A Grand Tour at the top of this article and pick it up online from the links provided.

More From:   Simbitworld
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Matthew Kiff
Matt only discovered his love of flight sim with MSFS 2020, but has since made a career in aviation. As well as contributing to FSElite, he works as a flight data analyst, aiding pilots and operators worldwide in improving their flight safety.

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