ShortFinal Design Munich Previews

ShortFinal Design have posted a hand full of new previews of their new Munich (EDDM) scenery for X-Plane 11 that show off a bit of the terminal, taxiway,  surrounding buildings and parking lots. Included in these…

ShortFinal Design Munich Previews

ShortFinal Design have posted a hand full of new previews of their new Munich (EDDM) scenery for X-Plane 11 that show off a bit of the terminal, taxiway,  surrounding buildings and parking lots. Included in these previews is the SAM (Scenery Animation Manager) plugin which allows you to control jetways, which is very similar to SODE for FSX/P3D. With the previews posted in this article, you can see that the ShortFinal Design developers have put a lot of time and effort into recreating Germany’s second busiest airport. As stated above, this scenery will have animated jetways and hanger doors as curiosity of the SAM plugin. This will allow you to connect multiple jetways to an aircraft at once for optimal immersion.

SFD have not confirmed a release date, but the timeline shows a release in January 2019. Another statement that was released said “The good news is that there will be a Christmas gift from me this year in the form of a completely original freeware scenery.” This is quite a kind gesture from ShortFinal Design as they have clearly put quite a bit of time into this airport.

Follow ShortField Design on their Facebook page for more previews and updates on their Munich scenery for X-Plane 11.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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