Self-Loading Cargo V1.5 Development Video

Self-Loading Cargo is a utility that works with P3D and X-Plane and injects virtual crew and passengers into your simulator, giving each of them their own feelings, needs and desires. The tool, which was released…

Self-Loading Cargo V1.5 Development Video

Self-Loading Cargo is a utility that works with P3D and X-Plane and injects virtual crew and passengers into your simulator, giving each of them their own feelings, needs and desires. The tool, which was released in early-access a few months ago, continues to be updated in response to feedback from the community. The developer has since continued to add features and improve the utility with version 1.5 to be the next release.

Version 1.5 will add a visualisation tool so that you can see how the logic behind the scenes is working and see what desires your passengers and crew are looking for. In the 20 minute video above, Steve goes into the details about what’s going on, how it works and also some of the features version 1.5 of Self-Loading Cargo will bring.

The changelog for the update has started to be updated also, so users can get to grips with what to expect upon release. Version 1.5 is due for release in early November. You can also view the bucket list which is being used to help determine features for upcoming iterations of the product.

If it’s of interest to you, you can buy it now for £12.99. Once early access has finished, the price will increase to £17.99.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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