Just two days after release, developer Lanilogic has issued version 1.1 of his add-on ‘Self-Loading Cargo‘. This update aims to address some of the user feedback that has been reported over the last few days. A full changelog can be found at the end of this post. Make sure to check out the changelog on the developer’s own page, too, as he provides a lot more detailed information for every listed change. There is also a request for user feedback on a few of the changes that have been made.
The developer has also created a roadmap, so you can stay up to date with Lanilogic’s next steps for SLC. Some of the items on the roadmap include an improved flight analysis, as well as a better way to interact with the add-on and provide even more depth to it.
Another thing the developer wants to highlight, and which has received some questions, is voice packs. SLC has supported custom voice packs from v1, so anyone is free to create their own voice pack for the add-on. To this end, the developer has created a spreadsheet containing a list of transcripts and associated filenames. This should make it easier to share your voice packs with the community. The developer highly encourages you to do so.
- FSLabs A320 Improved Interaction For Takeoff
- Medical/Crew/Tech Issues Can Now Be Disabled
- Medical/Crew/Tech Issues Are Less Likely
- Fix to settings screen
- In-Flight Services Can Now Be Triggered At The Same Time
- Automatic notification of future updates
- Interaction buttons now much less fiddly
- Passengers shouldn’t be inclined to need the toilet straight away
- Passengers no longer immediately complain about lack of music after landing
- Cabin music now stops once all passengers are deboarded
- SLC now respects the PAUSE button in your simulator
- Single engine startup will now trigger Taxi phase
- Tweaks to Hunger/Thirst/Boredom Logic
- Boarding and Deboarding is now slower
- Instant Boarding/Deboarding now available
- Improved Accessibility for Blind Users
- SLC Window can be made transparent
- Alcohol button now correctly changes colour if service is in progress
- Version number is now displayed on the “About” tab in Settings