Salty Simulations Developing EFB Tablet for the 747-8i Freeware Mod

Salty Simulations are adding an EFB to their popular mod.

Salty Simulations Developing EFB Tablet for the 747-8i Freeware Mod

EFBs in aircraft are all the rage these days and freeware developer Salty Simulations are the next to join in with their own version for the 747-8i mod.

The modification, which is freely available, has always been well received by the community for improving the default 747-8i in Microsoft Flight Simulator. With all this feedback, the team has continued to improve the mod for the whole community. The newest update from the team shows they have been working hard on something that will please a lot of simmers.

The previews on Facebook tell us they have been hard at work on implementing an EFB for the 747-8i. The iPad-looking tablet looks like it will come with a number of features and functionality when it’s released. The few images that are released indicate that Navigraph charts will be very much part of the functionality of the tablet, enabling you to see approach, departure and other charts directly in the simulator.

The other screenshot of the home page gives us an indication that you will be able to access a host of other apps, but it’s not super clear what they will all be. There is also an options page where you can sync your flight plan and adjust settings for the aircraft (like the IRS simulation).

Salty Simulations doesn’t give an indication on when the EFB tablet will be available for their 747-8i, but we will be sure to keep an eye and let you know.

More From:   Salty Simulations
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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