Review: Drzewiecki Design Seattle Landmarks

Drzewiecki Design recently released their latest edition to their city landmark series for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator, this time taking on the city of Seattle. I, myself, a resident of Seattle, wanted to pick…

Drzewiecki Design recently released their latest edition to their city landmark series for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator, this time taking on the city of Seattle. I, myself, a resident of Seattle, wanted to pick this scenery up immediately, and explore.

Bottom line, the developer set a target of improving the modeling of the Seattle area, and they largely succeeded in accomplishing that goal. The modeling of the buildings and infrastructure is a significant upgrade over what default brings you. It commands a price of 15 Euros, or about 18 US Dollars, which is a lot compared to what other sceneries are usually priced in the market, but the scenery comes with a lot, so if you’re a Seattle flyer, definitely pick this up. Let’s talk about why.

More From:   Drzewiecki Design
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Spencer te Wildt
Spencer is a huge aviation geek and living in Seattle means he has the ability to see aircraft be born at Boeing Field. A lover of all things aviation.

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