RedWing Simulations Releases USA 1935 and Various US Airports

Go back in time with RedWing Simulations latest release for the US

RedWing Simulations Releases USA 1935 and Various US Airports

Developer RedWing Simulations has released USA 1935 alongside several US based airports. After focussing on Europe, with several (1935) releases in Germany, France and the UK, the developer is now moving across the ocean.

USA 1935 aims to recreate the world of almost 90 years ago. An era that saw a lot of wars, conflicts and the Great Depression, but also the rise of passenger aviation. The add-on adds aerial navigation beacons as they were used in the 1930’s for the Contract Air Mail routes (CAM routes). It also removes power lines and wind turbines, and cities emit noticeably less light at night. The add-on also adds several age-appropriate custom objects to the map, such as the ‘Hollywoodland’ sign and a Golden Gate Bridge that’s still under construction.

Alongside the USA 1935 add-on, RedWing has also released a number of sceneries that complement this add-on. These sceneries need to be purchased separately, and feature age-appropriate airport sceneries for the following airports:

  • La Guardia (KLGA)
  • Chicago Midway (KMDW)
  • San Francisco (KSFO)
  • Cleveland (KCLE)
  • Washington Hooverfield (KDCA)
  • Allentown (KABE)
  • La Porte (KPPO)
  • Mercer (KME1)
  • Bellefonte (KBE1)
  • Baltimore (KBWI)
  • Brookville (KBO1)
  • Archbold (KARC)
  • Newark (KEWR)
  • Goshen (KGHS)
  • Philadelphia (KPHL)

USA 1935, as well as the airport sceneries, are available exclusively through the MSFS Marketplace.

More From:   RedWing Simulations
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