QualityWings Ultimate 146 Updated to v1.5

Over on their Facebook page, QualityWings Simulations has announced that they’ve pushed out a v1.5 update for their Ultimate 146 for FSX and Prepar3D v4. This update comes in response to a string of bugs,…

QualityWings Ultimate 146 Updated to v1.5

Over on their Facebook page, QualityWings Simulations has announced that they’ve pushed out a v1.5 update for their Ultimate 146 for FSX and Prepar3D v4.

This update comes in response to a string of bugs, issues and inaccuracies reported on the QualityWings Simulations forum by customers. Version 1.5 brings along crash to desktop fixes, improved aircraft behaviour to bring it closer to its real-world counterpart, an issue where gear and flaps would occasionally not retract and more which you can view in the complete changelog towards the end of this article.

Also, at the end of this article, you’ll find instructions for existing customers to update their product.

If you don’t already own the QualityWings Simulations Ultimate 146, you can grab a hold of it on Flight1.com for a price of $19.95 (Incl. VAT) for Prepar3D v4 or for FSX/SE also on Flight1.com for the same price.


  • CTD related to TCAS System
  • Controls freeze temporarily when TOGA mode engaged (Avro RJ only).
  • Gear and Flaps do not retract occasionally.
  • TOGA engine spool rate too slow.
  • When plane on the ground and spoiler lever moved more than 25%, the lever goes to “LIFT SPLR”.
  • TCAS supported keypresses affect throttles.
  • Engine start sounds cycle after engine shutdown.
  • FD Take off pitch guidance does not command V2+20.
  • IAS/Mach changeover occurs too late.
  • TGT needles slightly offset (BAe146-100/-200).
  • GNLU ARR page: unable to select transitions on page 2.
  • Default VNAV speeds too slow.
  • Landing light halo shows even though battery is off.
  • Flaps move when engines 2 & 3 are off.
  • Improved braking performance.
  • Improved engine spool rate.
  • Improved taxi behaviour.

How To Update?

Option A – Update through Flight1 Purchase Agent (for P3Dv4 only)

In order to update directly via the Flight1 Purchase Agent, please follow these steps:

  • Run the Flight1 Purchase Agent
  • Change to the QualityWings Store
  • Click the “Library” tab
  • Select “The Ultimate 146 Collection – P3Dv4”
  • Select “Download”. The installation will start automatically once the download is complete.
Update through Flight1 Purchase Agent

Option B – Update Existing Installation

We have created update installers that will update your current installation to v1.5. Please uninstall your installed liveries prior to running the update. They will need to be reinstalled afterwards.
Users will need to have v1.4 installed already! Otherwise please use option C.

Update to V1.5 (P3Dv4) – 50MB
Update to V1.5 (P3Dv4) – Alternative Server
Update to V1.5 (FSX / FSX:Steam Edition) – 50MB

Option C – Complete Reinstallation  (Recommended)

All full installers on our website have been updated to the latest version.
Files on the Flight1 product pages will be updated within the next 24h.
If you decide to perform a full reinstallation, please first uninstall all liveries and then uninstall the 146. Then run the new installer as administrator.

Full Installer V1.5 (P3Dv4) – 411MB
Full Installer V1.5 (P3Dv4) – Alternative Server
Full Installer V1.5 (FSX/FSX:SE) – 410MB

We recommend running the installer as administrator (right click – run as administrator).

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Calum Martin
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