QualityWings Simulations Releases Ultimate 787 v1.3.1 Hotfix

Aircraft developer QualityWings Simulations has released a brand new update for its Ultimate 787 product for Prepar3D and FSX. The new update took the team a little longer than anticipated to develop due to the…

QualityWings Simulations Releases Ultimate 787 v1.3.1 Hotfix

Aircraft developer QualityWings Simulations has released a brand new update for its Ultimate 787 product for Prepar3D and FSX. The new update took the team a little longer than anticipated to develop due to the scope of the bug-squashing and new additional features, but users can now download it at their convenience.

The new update fixes or improves nearly 30 items including bugs with the weather radar, the navigation display and also with the way the dome lighting illuminates the fuselage in Prepar3D v5. Whilst many of these bug fixes are quality of life improvements, there were also a handful of new features added to the aircraft also. There is now a “Mute on lost focus” option added, along with the ability to change the brightness of the HUD. Furthermore, the landing weight can now ve entered on the approach page, and QualityWings has also made adjustments to the EFB to improve the frame rate performance of the aircraft.

There are three methods to update the aircraft. The first way is through the Flight1 Agent and the details on how to do that are shared via a public Facebook post. Alternatively, you can download the smaller update file or simply download and reinstall the aircraft from a fresh installer. The choice is yours.

The QualityWings Simulations Ultimate 787 can be purchased via Flight1 or simMarket.



  • WXR: Weather Radar can’t find proper paths when ASP3D and ASN are installed
  • WXR: Weather Data Request METAR/TAF not working with ActiveSky
  • WXR: config entries for snapshot dir gets corrupted after saving config from DU
  • EFB: CTD when selecting Navigraph as Chart source (FSX-SE only)
  • EFB: Incorrect Navigraph Chart Label for few selected airports
  • EFB: Navigraph charts do not dim
  • EFB: Dispatch page weights do not add up properly
  • CDU: CTD when selecting LTAI as destination on RTE page
  • CDU: Autostepclimb inop
  • CDU: HOLD still shows after being deleted on the legs page
  • CDU: POS FUEL value occasionally incorrect when weight units are set to KGS
  • HUD: 3 degree G/S line should stay parallel with the horizon
  • HUD: 3 degree G/S line shows when TOD is reached and Vref set
  • FS2CREW: Enabling of FS2Crew only works on LEFT side of DU, not on right side
  • ND: TCAS does not show all traffic (P3D only)
  • ND: Airport Map and Terrain do not dim
  • ND: Range Arcs should show when TFC is selected ON using the TFC Button
  • ND: RNP on wide ND does not match setting on CDU POS REF 2 page
  • ND: DME errors
  • CHKL: Checklists do not reset when new flightplan gets entered
  • CHKL: Shutdown checklist typo FUEL “CONTRL” changed to FUEL “CONTROL”
  • VC: Excessive display reflections (P3Dv5 only)
  • Exterior: Engine fan shows too transparent (P3Dv5 only)
  • Exterior: Dome light illuminates outside of fuselage (P3Dv5 only)
  • Misc: Loading a default panelstate overrides WeightUnit setting
  • Misc: Holding improvements
  • Jump Ahead: Sim reduces to 1x when Jump Ahead is initiated


  • EFB: Navigraph Chart Quality adjustable to reduce FPS impact
  • SOUNDS: “Mute on lost focus” option (mute_on_lost_focus=0)
  • CDU: Landing Weight can be entered/edited on Approach page
  • HUD: Brightness control on QW CONFIG page added
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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