Software developer ProSim Aviation Research has released version 1.42 of their ProSimA320, which is now compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator.
In case you are not familiar, ProSim Aviation Research develops stand alone flight simulation software that is designed to model complex aircraft systems, and is often used in professional quality flight simulation setups, and simulator flight training. While ProSim Aviation supports versions of their software for multiple aircraft, version 1.42 of ProSimA320 is the first to be compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator.
ProSim Aviation Research announced the release via a post to their forum, which was mostly dedicated to discussing the limitations of using the software with Microsoft Flight Simulator. Some of these limitations include, the inability to control individual lights in the aircraft, the inability to use the modern MSFS flight model due to its undocumented code, as well as a lack of iOS environment and weather controls.
You can check out ProSimA320 in action here, and you can download version 1.42 from ProSim-AR’s website.