Despite being announced to release in June of this year, the developer has now confirmed that a release for the 4th version of the flight logger is aiming for a release before December 8th.
The post said that “we’re pushing for a December 7th/8th release, so watch this space.” This news is also accompanied by additional information that there has been a fix for uploading images to projectFLY. Some users may see a delay in the fix applied as the rollout reaches all the servers.
projectFLY has been hampered by ongoing issues due to developers leaving the team and financial issues from investors. The latest issue came from an initial lack of funding to pay for servers. Fortunately, the community came together (twice) to support the platform to ensure its continued survival.
In a post on Facebook, the projectFLY team did state that there will be further news at the start of next week with regards to v4 of the app. Once there is now information, we shall report on it.