ProCam XP Released for X-Plane 11

Following the official trailer reveal earlier this week, FlightSim Studio AG’s ProCam XP for X-Plane 11 has been released. ProCam XP promises to be a fantastic add-on to provide users with a much-improved camera system…

ProCam XP Released for X-Plane 11

Following the official trailer reveal earlier this week, FlightSim Studio AG’s ProCam XP for X-Plane 11 has been released. ProCam XP promises to be a fantastic add-on to provide users with a much-improved camera system for X-Plane.

You will be able to use the built-in ProCam to simulate multiple views at the same time. You can attach the virtual camera to any part of your aircraft and track shots around your aircraft with ease. There are numerous presets available, or you can use the built-in tools to stick your ProCam anywhere.

Further to using the ProCam, you can also view the world from multiple angles, simulate pilot breathing and take advantage of the gimbal controls. All of this is done from the easy-to-use graphical interface.

You can buy ProCam XP right now from Aerosoft 14.24.

Check out the official trailer to learn more about ProCam XP.


  • Presets for cockpit, exterior and world category
    • Optional 3D camera object in cockpit/exterior
    • Presets for XP default aircraft included
  • Different view types
    • Cockpit: static
    • Cockpit: human
    • Cockpit: cam
    • Exterior: static
    • Exterior: cam
    • World: fixed
    • World: free
    • World: follow aircraft
  • Manual camera control
    • Key combination / joystick / controller mapping are possible
  • Various effects
    • Head rotation based on control inputs
    • Simulated breathing (pilot view)
    • Gimbal control (horizon/tilt)
  • Invisible clickspots
    • Individual clickspot overlay setup
  • Cinema Mode for each aircraft size category
  • Presets can be included in add-on sceneries
  • Cinema presets can be included in add-on sceneries
More From:   FlightSim Studio
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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