POSCON Ownership Changes

Earlier last year, Positive Control Network (POSCON) went through a series of change in terms of management and ownership. It’s been confirmed that founding member Andrew Heath has now taken sole ownership of POSCON as…

Earlier last year, Positive Control Network (POSCON) went through a series of change in terms of management and ownership. It’s been confirmed that founding member Andrew Heath has now taken sole ownership of POSCON as of December 8th 2018.

On the official POSCON forums, Andrew wrote to the community wanting to be as transparent as possible with the changes. He wrote:

“POSCON was originally founded in 2016 by myself and another individual who has since left the company. In mid-2017, I took on an investor named Nicolas Lumermann, better known as DAL213 on Twitch. From that point, until just recently, POSCON was co-owned by Mr. Lumermann and I with Mr. Lumermann holding a majority share. Along with the online flight simulation network project, POSCON also maintained a controlling interest in AirDailyX, and other ventures.”

However, on December 8th 2018, full ownership was purchased by Andrew to get 100% control and ownership of the company and product.

POSCON was demonstrated at FSExpo in June 2018, showcasing the new capability the network was going to bring to online flying. It was later demoed again by Matt Davies, who is no longer involved with the project, during Cosford showing off the new voice codec. Since then, nothing new has been demonstrated or previewed.

You can find the original announcement via the POSCON forums by being on the home page, and then clicking on the ‘announcement’ box on the right-side of the page.

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Calum Martin
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