PMDG Teases New NG3 Preview

After a long period of silence, it appears PMDG is creeping out with some new information regarding their highly anticipated NG3 product. It’s been a project that has been under wraps for a long time,…

PMDG Teases New NG3 Preview

After a long period of silence, it appears PMDG is creeping out with some new information regarding their highly anticipated NG3 product. It’s been a project that has been under wraps for a long time, but the PMDG Facebook page broke that today with a sneak peek of what’s to come.

On the post, the team congratulated Flightbeam for their newly released KIAD V3 update. The post read as follows:

“All of us at PMDG wish to congratulate our friends over at Flightbeam Studios for the release of their latest update to KIAD. This is our home airport and we know it well. You guys have given us a great sim-version to come home to. Well done, you guys.”

We share the sentiment, but the exciting information came in the form of a single picture. The NG3’s first public preview. There are a few things to notice in this single screenshot (and we’re confident the community will point out more). We spotted the use of dynamic lighting in the cockpit (look at the parking brake lighting), along with the new windows which appear to closely match the geometry of the real aircraft. Along with that, the EFB is also saddled to the side of the aircraft showing the airport layout. You can click above to see the image in full size.

Other than that, the forums are silent and no further information was shared. Hopefully, this is the start of a nice build-up of previews. Remember, Robert from PMDG said that he was looking to maybe let testers share screenshots a lot sooner into the testing process than usual.

Thanks to Albatross for the tip.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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