Robert Randazzo from PMDG has provided the community with an update regarding several items we have previously heard about before. Specifically, this update covers the new Navdata Capabilities, PBR updates for the 777 and DC-6, along with general updates on future service packs for the triple-7 and also where Global Flight Ops is in development.
Starting with the new Navdata Capabilities, Robert was clear that it’s time for the way PMDG inject the navdata into their aircraft to update. The same format has been used since the original PMDG 737 NG since development started back in August 2001. Now with a host of new aircraft under their wing, the team want to use the more modern data sets and technology to introduce them into their fleet of aircraft. Currently being developed as part of the continued 747 updates, it is currently underway and once ready for testing, will be given to their testing team to ensure nothing broke. It’s a big project that changes a lot of the processes with the FMS simulation. However, the hope is that the new Navdata Capabilities will then be added to the 777 line and included with the upcoming NG3.
From an end-user perspective, the changes will be seen through the path-building module within the FMS, which will ultimately improve LNAV behaviours. There’s no ETA on the update, nor is there much to actually show to demonstrate the changes.
Moving onto the 777 and the DC-6, there was a quick mention of PBR for each model within Prepar3D V4. Right now their primary modeller is currently tackling 3 projects, with one of those projects due to complete soon. Once the batteries have been recharged, Jason will then be preparing for another workload, which, according to Robert, “will likely involve one or both of these PBR update cycles”. Again, no ETA on PBR for either just yet as it will fit in between product development work.
Continuing with general updates for the 777 Product Line, it was confirmed that a list of what updates and features that will come with the 777 in the future is being put together. This so far includes bug fixing, efficiency improvements and bringing forward other features from the 747 line into the 777. Robert also addressed that yes, an EFB will eventually come to the 777 line. The developer working on it is tied up with NG3 development, but it’s likely that the 777 EFB work will begin once the NG3 enters late beta.
Previously mentioned from PMDG was the fact that REX would soon integrate with the weather radar in PMDG products. The work between REX Game Studios and PMDG has been ongoing for the past few months and the “major hurdles have been cleared”. The developer working on the integration is also working on the NG3 as well as finishing the home-cockpit builder’s modules for the 747 range, but hopefully, as workload lightens, he will loop back around to the integration. The update will roll-out to the 747 first, with the 777 afterwards during the aforementioned update cycle.
Finally, Global Flight Operations was given a brief update. The past few months have been primarily focused on site-side data presentation and building the API for developers. Initially, the API will go to both Aerosoft and TFDi so they can start developing the connection to Global Flight Ops. The reason for PMDG keeping so quiet is simply they would much rather “do the work and show the results”.
More excitingly, PMDG opened up a little about how users can get involved in the near future. They expect to slowly roll out Global Flight operations to people on a first-come, first-admitted basis. That won’t be too long now, according to this post.
Although not contained in this specific post, Robert did also drop a lot of new details regarding the DC-3 trip he has been teasing for weeks now. You will have the opportunity to visit the PMDG team, explore their DC-3 and also send messages to the team whilst they travel across the Atlantic. You can find out everything in this post on the PMDG forums.
Sadly no new information was given regarding the NG3, but you can read the last update in which it is expected to go into beta very soon – and beta testers may not have to stick to an embargo for posting screenshots.