PMDG has issued another update for the Boeing 777-300ER for Microsoft Flight Simulator, the 2.00.0041 update details were shared by Robert Randazzo on the PMDG forums.
The micro update focuses on more fixes to the stability of the 777, code issues which were causing freezes, livery updates, lighting, LNAV and VNAV fixes and more. Robert mentioned that there has been a shift away from non-critical issues as the majority of the team is currently focused on wrapping up the 77F development so they can pass it to the beta testers.

777 Marketplace and 737 Updates
Robert also mentioned that the PMDG 777-300ER is still under approval for the MSFS Marketplace, but the feedback is going well and should be available on the 1st of August or the 8th of August at the latest.
It was also mentioned that the 737 lineup will eventually be receiving 777 features, including bringing the 737 tablet up to the same level as functionality as the 777. These updates will take place after the 77F releases and should be available later in the summer.

- 14633: [Systems – Wheels & Brakes] Added provision for protection from missing/corrupt tire state definitions in pre-2.00.0037 built panel state files.
- 14645: [Systems – Wheels & Brakes] Negative velocity confuses inertial model if rolling backward under reverse thrust, causes a “slingshot” effect. (rsrandazzo)
- 14624: [FREEZES – All Types] Fixed : Selecting a rwy specific STAR without selecting a runway first (as you always should) in STAR/APP page causes problems (emvaos)
- 14638: [External Model – Liveries] Cathay and British logo issues on liveries (psterling)
- 14635: [Sounds – External] APU/HPU sound observation > APU volume and angle adjusted. (jdoorman)
- 14621: [Systems – Lighting – Exterior] Strobe lights appearing dim after .39 update. (jbrown)
- 14641: [External Model – Geometry] Geometry of passenger reading lights is clipping the fixture (jbrown)
- 14637: [External Model – Geometry] DOOR 2L Jetway interface point (jbrown)
- 14557: [General – Comms/Navs] The Head of the VOR R Needle Pointer is Incorrectly Drawn. (abashkatov)
- 14614: [Main Panel – ND] WX Radar manual tilt gives different value on ND than what is selected (abashkatov)
- 14087: [FMS/AFDS – LNAV] Direct to already active waypoint gives INVALID ENTRY (emvaos)
- 14599: [FMS – Performance Pages] Prog Pg 2 totalizer and calculated fuel small random difference (emvaos)
- 14615: [FMS/AFDS – LNAV] CF waypoint properties if last of SID fix (emvaos)
- 14553: [FMS/AFDS – VNAV] E/O Drift Down modes adjusted (emvaos)
- 14623: [Systems – Wheels & Brakes] Invalid tire pressure indications on HOT enviroment and Cold and Dark state (rsrandazzo)
- 14586: [Systems – Wheels & Brakes] Improved brake energy model with udpated thermal soak logic (rsrandazzo)
- 14616: [Virtual Cockpit – Geometry/Textures] Box goes through Lettering (abashkatov)
- 14475: [Main Panel – EICAS Display Issues] ECL text over running text box (abashkatov)