That’s right, PMDG have officially announced that their upcoming 747-400 Queen of the Skies II is now in BETA!
There’s loads of new details coming straight from PMDG, so I will do my best to summarise the important stuff:
- The 747-400 will be the first of the QOTS product line to be released
- The current plan is to release both FSX and P3D versions of the 747-400 at the same time. If issues do come up (who knows), then the wait time should be relatively short.
- As the product is now in beta, we should start to see more screenshots, updates and videos from those lucky beta testers
- Some key components in the simulation engine have been changed, which will also benefit the 777 and the NGX in the future
- Sound will feature heavily in the 747, just as it did in the 777
- Some major updates will come after the release (unless they sneak in before hand). More details of which will come soon
- New techniques have been used for the external lighting to help capture the beauty of the variable brightness of the landing lights
- The base package will include THREE unique engine models – each with own core engine and sound package.
- There will be a HUGE number of options and configurations available to fit your favourite airline
- There is further surprises, but it looks like we’ll have to guess:
Oh- and surprises… yes… surprises… they told me i’m not allowed to tell you about the…. <transmission garbled>. Dangit. That is precisely why we needed a <transmission garbled>.
If you want to read the original forum post, then click here.