PMDG has shared new shots for their upcoming 737 NGXu Cargo expansion via a new product page today.
The previews presented highlight this unique aircraft. The 737 freighter is a modified passenger 737 to carry cargo. At the moment, Boeing offers makes these changes to the -800 only, with another companies able to convert the -700 and -800 into a freighter.
Alongside the previews, a full feature list was shared.
The PMDG 737 NGXu Cargo Expansion will soon be available from PMDG’s store for $29.99 USD for Prepar3D v4.4+ and v5. This expansion also only requires the NGXu Base Package to work.
Feature list
- All new system simulation, utilizing the latest PMDG system simulation engine.
- Enhanced flight physics.
- Addition of rigid body physics to wing and tail surfaces.
- Improved flight control systems.
- Electronic Flight Bag with Navigraph Integration.
- High resolution cockpit displays
- New equipment options for cockpit instrumentation, fuel system changes and more.
- Changes to 737 options packages reflecting real world changes since NGX was first offered in 2011.
- Expanded failures simulation to cover nearly all QRH scenarios.
- PMDG Global Flight Operations compatibility (when PMDG GFO is made live in 2020!)
- Native PMDG datalink simulation for offline flying (similar to 777 and 747)
- PMDG’s enhanced light package for the virtual cockpit.
- Driveable pushback tug.
- This package includes 737-700 BDSF, 737-800 BDSF and BCF models with differences and details accurate to their real-world counterparts.
- Cargo-aircraft specific ground equipment and operating features.
- All new external models, with PBR texturing, enhanced animations and more.
- All new virtual cockpit model, with high detail PBR texturing, advanced animations and more.
- All new, high definition sound suite recorded on a fully instrumented test airplane.
- Enhanced PMDG Sound Engine for immersive audio experience on the flight deck.
- New PMDG Operations Center 2.0