It’s been a busy couple of weeks for the team at PMDG, but they have released an update which brings the 737-600/700 Expansion to Prepar3D V4. The release of the expansion now completes the release of core PMDG products into the 64-bit platform.
Further to the release of the expansion pack, new installer releases were released for the 747, 777 and the 737 NGX base package. The new updates bring RAAS functionality to the widebodies, a form of protection for users experiencing a CTD when using the Captain’s PFD, and various ‘clean-up items and efficiencies.’
PMDG is aware of the frustration people are having with having to complete full downloads again, but they assure us that this truly is the best option to ensure stability. It’s their intention to get back to micro-updates going forward.
Now PMDG may turn their attention to evaluating whether the J41 will come to P3D – although Robert said it was ‘highly unlikely’ – as well as looking at what updates to bring forward to the X-Plane version of the DC-6.
Oh, and of course, finishing up the other four-engine beast: the 747-8.
Thanks to Discord member, pilot’s for letting us know.