PilotPlus Updates Bristol and Wycombe for XP

Scenery developer PilotPlus has mentioned in their news page an update for Bristol and Wycombe for X-Plane 11. A separate update for each product adds new features and fixes. Bristol airport has been updated to…

PilotPlus Updates Bristol and Wycombe for XP

Scenery developer PilotPlus has mentioned in their news page an update for Bristol and Wycombe for X-Plane 11. A separate update for each product adds new features and fixes.

Bristol airport has been updated to V1.3 with a number of new features and fixes. The update for Bristol adds custom taxiway signage, new tower interior, and primary asphalt textures. For those familiar with Bristol, you will be pleased to see the Mendip tower transmission station rising high 1,001 ft to the Southeast.

In addition, Wycombe Air Park has been updated to V1.2 which entails a new tower interior, added ground traffic, and increased performance. Furthermore, painted ground textures, and PBR has been enhanced for extra realism. Refer to the change-log below for the full list of fixes and additions for both products.

T0 update your desired product, proceed by re-downloading the scenery from your original point of purchase.

You can purchase the Bristol scenery from the PilotPlus store for £20,99. If you want to purchase the Wycombe Air Park scenery, you can also do that via the PilotPlus store for £19,99.

Bristol V1.3 Changelog:

  • New 7n Stand
  • New South Zone Taxi Link
  • New Custom Taxi-Signage
  • New Silver Zone Car Park Building
  • New Asphalt Edge Texturing
  • Added Mendip Tower Transmission Station
  • Added Animated WigWags
  • Added Tower Interior
  • Added Air-side Ground Traffic
  • Added A38 Traffic
  • Fixed Primary Asphalt Texture
  • Fixed Taxi-Flow
  • Fixed South Zone Runway Lead-up Markings – 09-27
  • Removed A38 streetlights

Wycombe V1.2 Changelog:

  • Painted Ground Textures
  • New Tower Interior
  • Enhanced PBR Effects
  • Added Ground Traffic
  • Increased Performance
  • Corrected PAPI Lighting
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Calum Martin
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