PFPX Version 2 Now Available

After some teases and previews, FlightSimSoft has today released version 2 of their flight planning software, PFPX. The new version contains a range of improvements over their original version, which was released many years ago.…

PFPX Version 2 Now Available

After some teases and previews, FlightSimSoft has today released version 2 of their flight planning software, PFPX. The new version contains a range of improvements over their original version, which was released many years ago.

The first improvement is now PFPX enables users to see profile charts. You can clearly see the wind strengths along the route, as well as any terrain. Further improvements include the wa NOTAMs and Weather is shown, highlighting things for the pilot to be aware of and enabling people to break down things into sections.

As mentioned in our previous article, it is now possible to manually add restrictions to certain airspace. If there’s a certain restriction in place, users can now apply it manually and when searching for a route, it will avoid those areas.

These restrictions can be set by the user to only apply in certain time-frames and upper/lower limits can also be set. This will prove particularly handy if a military exercise or a search and rescue operation is happening, or if a specific country decides to stage an ATC strike.

Users of the original version will be pleased to know this is a free upgrade and the original serial will work. However, you will need an active ‘subscription’ to enable things like NOTAMS, weather and tracks to be updated. If you don’t own PFPX already, you can buy it from FlightSimSoft for 41.62 euros.

Full Change Log (Although I think this is still from the original V1 version – there’s no updated log)

  • Fully adjustable and customizable user interface
  • Worldwide navigation database (regular updates available from third-party providers.
    Shipped database version is 1302 (Aerosoft NavDataPro).
  • “Easy plan” function for quick flight plan creation
  • Large database of included aircraft types
  • Re-Dispatch and EROPS/ETOPS integration
  • Cost-Index based flight planning and constant Mach number segments
  • Various integrated fuel planning rules (EU-OPS, FAR, CASA, etc.)
  • User-definable individual fuel planning rules
  • Real-time METAR/TAF and NOTAM download
  • Accurate up-to-date Upper winds
  • Graphical, zoom- and pan-able world map
  • Printable flight briefing package
  • Plan via North Atlantic Tracks (NAT), Pacific Track System (PACOTS) and Australian Organized Track System (AUSOTS)
  • Automatic, manual or advanced route building including SIDs/STARs
  • Route export function to various add-ons
  • CFMU flight plan validation
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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