Paulo Ricardo Releases Viracopos – Campinas International (SBKP) for Prepar3d V4

Developer Paulo Ricardo has released Viracopos International (SBKP) for Prepar3d V4. Viracopos – Campinas International Airport (SBKP) in San Paulo, Brazil offers the largest Cargo centers in South America and has plenty of links with international destinations across…

Paulo Ricardo Releases Viracopos – Campinas International (SBKP) for Prepar3d V4

Developer Paulo Ricardo has released Viracopos International (SBKP) for Prepar3d V4. Viracopos – Campinas International Airport (SBKP) in San Paulo, Brazil offers the largest Cargo centers in South America and has plenty of links with international destinations across the Globe. With over 81000m2 of the airport dedicated to the Cargo terminal, it’s no surprise that the airport sees over 15 cargo airlines frequently visit the airport.

Paulo Ricardo has included a range of features for the P3Dv4 only airport, including PBR texture work, 3D custom buildings with static objects and 3D grass throughout. Furthermore, buildings around the town area have been modelled with little impact on performance.

You can buy the scenery from simMarket for €17.99.

Feature List

  • Surrounding Scenario detailed with numerous custom buildings  3D terrain including vehicles and static objects
  • Grass volume (3D) custom rain effect
  • Light Effects varied by the airport in PBR
  • Buildings all over town in 3D, with negligible impact on FPS
  • Autogen City  Compatible and merge with Mega São Paulo
  • Mobile, actionable by Jetways default command (Ctrl + J)
  • Compatible with Global openLC FTX
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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