PacSim Announces Hiroshima Airport (RJOA)

After hinting a probable Japanese airport in the making over a week ago on Facebook, PacSim has finally announced today on Facebook they were working on a Hiroshima Airport (RJOA) scenery. The screenshots that have…

PacSim Announces Hiroshima Airport (RJOA)

After hinting a probable Japanese airport in the making over a week ago on Facebook, PacSim has finally announced today on Facebook they were working on a Hiroshima Airport (RJOA) scenery. The screenshots that have been previewed show an impressive level of detail. The scenery will feature modeled interior terminals, heavy ground clutter, hand placed vegetation, custom carved surrounding terrain and probably much more. Night lighting and ground object shadows are still to be added, but it looks that most of the work is done so far.

Another major announcement by Pacific Islands Simulation is that Hiroshima will be the last product they will produce before taking on Microsoft Flight Simulator projects. They however added in a further comment that they still plan on supporting both Prepar3D and MSFS in the future.

On a side note, the developer added that an update to Incheon International Airport (RKSI) was to be released before the end of the year.

The current Hiroshima Airport (RJOA) opened in 1993 in replacement of the old Hiroshima-Nishi Airport (RJBH), that could not accommodate wide body aircraft and was closed to fixed-wings operations in 2013. RJOA is located about 22 Nm East of Hiroshima city. It consists of a single east/west – 10.000ft/3000m runway sitting on a plateau in a hilly terrain. The airport serves a mostly domestic market, but also sees traffic to China, Singapore and Taiwan.

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Calum Martin
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