Orbx Would Love to Bring TrueEarth Technology to Norway and Italy

Orbx developer Tony Wroblewski has confirmed to FSElite that he would “love to recreate Norway and Italy” when it comes to utilising TrueEarth technology. Speaking to us in our upcoming interview, Tony said that these are two…

Orbx Would Love to Bring TrueEarth Technology to Norway and Italy

Orbx developer Tony Wroblewski has confirmed to FSElite that he would “love to recreate Norway and Italy” when it comes to utilising TrueEarth technology. Speaking to us in our upcoming interview, Tony said that these are two regions that he feels would really suit the technology on both X-Plane 11 and Prepar3D. “Norway would be a beautiful region.”

Whilst this is certainly a wish-list for Tony (and undoubtedly many other simmers), it seems as though this could only be a pipedream. Tony added, “both are prohibitively expensive to obtain imagery and data.” That said, he did conclude by saying that he is “always researching ways to do this and reduce costs so ‘never say never’.”

The TrueEarth series has been doing the tour of America. With California, Washington, Florida and more now covered, we can only hope for a return to Europe soon to discover even more regions in the same detail. So whilst we wait for even more TrueEarth regions, check out their recent releases or even order issue #3 of our magazine to read this interview and much more.

Did you know that Tony joined the Orbx team after showing John Venema a demo of TrueEarth Great Britain? You can find out more facts about how the TrueEarth series found life in our exclusive interview with Tony Wroblewski only in our upcoming FSElite Magazine. You can order your copy today.

Note – Featured image is of TrueEarth Great Britain North for X-Plane 11.

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Jordan Williams
Jordan works for an independent music venue business operating in the US and London. Discovering flight simulation with FS98, he followed the natural progression up until P3D, where he switched platforms to X-Plane 11 flying everything from fast jets, helicopters to airliners.
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