Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain South Released For X-Plane

After showing some incredible previews at RAF Cosford last weekend, Orbx has released their first TrueEarth product for X-Plane – Great Britain South. With developer Tony Wroblewski at the helm, Orbx has put together a stunning…

Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain South Released For X-Plane

After showing some incredible previews at RAF Cosford last weekend, Orbx has released their first TrueEarth product for X-Plane – Great Britain South.

With developer Tony Wroblewski at the helm, Orbx has put together a stunning product that captures the beauty of the English countryside, as well as the cities in between. Great Britain South contains 107,349km2 of aerial imagery that has been corrected and colour-matched by hand. On top of these crisp ground textures are autogen objects placed through the use of an all-new technology developed by Orbx, specifically for X-Plane 11. They say this allows “thousands of realistic looking UK-themed houses to be placed at a realistic height with minimal impact on performance”, along with 13.2 million buildings at the correct height and location. While adding more greenery to the scenery is 130 million trees, which are also said to be of correct height and location.

The detail doesn’t stop there though, because also included is an accurate placement of VFR landmarks (such as masts, wind farms, churches, power-lines, and lighthouses), plenty of custom modelled POIs, accurate road and rail networks, and “superb” water masking along the coastline, coupled with a 10m terrain mesh for incredibly detailed hills, valleys and cliffs.

As you may have worked out from the name, this product is only the southern part of England, with Great Britain Central and Great Britain North to be released at a later date. ESP-platform users should also expect to see Great Britain South soon.

If you haven’t already seen the incredible screenshots that have come out of the Orbx forums over the last week, take a look at the selection we’ve prepared for you at the bottom of this piece. If you don’t need any more encouragement though, you can head to the Orbx website to pick up TrueEarth Great Britain South for X-Plane 11 right now, at a cost of AUD$54.95.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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