Orbx Makes Statement on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Content

Orbx has confirmed their Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 plans for their products.

Orbx Makes Statement on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Content

With the advent of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 just under 3 weeks away, third-party developers are now turning their attention to how they will bring their products forward to the new simulator. While Microsoft has confirmed that the vast majority of products should just work in the new simulator, developers will want to take advantage of new technology to upgrade their old work.

Orbx is one such developer who has made a fresh statement on what they will be doing for their content in Microsoft Flight Simulator. They said that they expect to make a “smooth transition for most of [their] products,” which should come as no surprise considering they were some of the first to be involved with the development of the new simulator. Orbx said that they will prioritise their most recent and popular products.

There may be some instances where Orbx will upgrade products to take advantage of the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 features. In some cases, Orbx said that they may ask customers to “pay a small upgrade fee”. Considering that some products are now well over 4 years old, a lot of technology has come a long way and there are some clear and obvious advances in how to render products in flight simulation.

As with any other developer in the community, we will do our best to keep you updated with products coming to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.

More From:   Orbx
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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