Orbx KPSP Palm Springs For Aerofly FS 2 Now Available

Palm Springs (KPSP) is one of the most unique airports in North America, surrounded by a vast amount of dry desert and situated 100 miles east of Los Angeles, it’s a small patch of civilisation with…

Orbx KPSP Palm Springs For Aerofly FS 2 Now Available

Palm Springs (KPSP) is one of the most unique airports in North America, surrounded by a vast amount of dry desert and situated 100 miles east of Los Angeles, it’s a small patch of civilisation with a visually appealing airport to welcome those who make the journey there. Now, users of Aerofly FS 2 are able to enjoy the stunning scenery, previously only available to FSX and P3D users, by Orbx.
Palm Springs, which is now the largest airport available from Orbx for AFS2, was originally designed by Jarrad Marshall and became a favourite among FSX and P3D users. It’s suited to simmers of all tastes, with the airport serving airliner, GA and corporate aircraft in the real world.

The AFS2 rendition of KPSP features a massive 1500sq kilometre coverage area, with 30cm/1m ground texture resolution. The terrain mesh is also an impressive 10m resolution, and the ground poly is also of a suitably high detail.
Orbx has also bought their well know, high-quality models to KPSP in AFS2 with custom vegetation throughout the scenery, as well as a stack of custom landmarks, helipads, static aircraft and vehicles, and an airport terminal featuring a staggering amount of detail.
The ambience is upped even more with Orbx’s high-quality night lighting and ambient occlusion being given a workout, as well as Orbx PeopleFlow and accompanying animated objects to really bring the scenery to life.

KPSP Palm Springs International Airport is available now for Aerofly FS 2 for AUD$39.95, and you can still pick up the FSX/P3D version here for the same price.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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