Orbx is Bringing Brisbane Airport to XPL

Orbx returns to Australia with the upcoming release of Brisbane coming soon to X-Plane.

Orbx is Bringing Brisbane Airport to XPL

Orbx returns to Australia scenery development with Brisbane Airport (YBBN) officially confirmed for X-Plane 11.

Brisbane serves as the primary international airport in Queensland and sees airlines fly to over 80 destinations across Australia, Asia and beyond. Qantas are the biggest airline at the airport with over 700 flights each week.

The airport has been developed by Mariano and Sante, who have both used the latest techniques in X-Plane to bring the airport to life. Expect to find PBR, realistic modelling and detailed texturing throughout. As the resident X-Plane experts, the duo have also added custom SAM jetways, 15cm ortho imagery and dynamic lighting. The pair have also added VDGS support so that the whole experience feels seamless.

Orbx’s version of Brisbane includes a current ground layout, which includes the new parallel runway (01L/19R) that opened just a couple of years ago. With the airport being so close to the Orbx team, the team were able to apply experience and local knowledge to create their “most detailed Australian airport yet” for X-Plane 11.

The forum topic states that the airport is coming soon, but a release date has been confirmed yet. We will keep you posted. Hopefully, an X-Plane 12 version is also in the works, too. It’s also interesting to note that this product announcement comes following confirmation that Orbx and Laminar Research will be taking part in a live interview during the middle of July. Check here for more details.


  • Over 60km² of Scenery Coverage
  • Hand Crafted Custom Mesh
  • 15cm Orthophoto Coverage
  • High-quality PBR Textures
  • Accurate Custom Ground Poly
  • Current Airport Layout for 2022
  • Hundreds of Hand-Placed Buildings, Lights, and Autogen
  • Animated Vehicle Traffic
  • Animated Radar Systems
  • Custom Dynamic Night Lighting
  • Detailed Vegetation Coverage
  • SAMv3 Jetways with Custom “T” Style Gates
  • Performance Optimized
More From:   Orbx
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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