This is quite extraordinary, but ORBX have announced that soon all of their FTX regions, including GLOBAL will work together, all of the time! Currently, the hybrid mode is a good mix of them all, but this update will ensure that you will have all regions active at the same time.
How is this done? No idea, but the coming updates, will be simple and easy to do.
How is this going to happen:
This will be a two staged approach using FTX Central and Orbxlibs.
FTX Central will be updated very soon, so make sure that you keep an eye out on the Release Announcements as well as ensure that FTX Central is set to check for updates. This will be the first stage.
The second stage of this is Orbxlibs. The next update of Orbxlibs will contain all the required files for this migration. Due to these extra files, Orbxlibs will be a 1.25GB download. The Orbxlibs update can also be be done via FTX Central as the file delivery has been streamlined to handle the larger download size.Once you have those two installed, FTX Central will handle the migration process for you. The following screenshots will give you an idea how it all happen.